Vets are responsible for guaranteeing that the samples sent are really from the dog indicated (by reading the chip) and, as a result, they form an important part of the Can-ID project.


Vets associated with the Can-ID project will have the following advantages:

  • 1
    Access (via a user code and password assigned by the local council) to the Can-ID extranet. In their profile they find the formula for both entering the samples and monitoring them along with all of the information required for sending samples.
  • 2
    They are provided with identification tags along with duly codified tubes for collecting the samples at no extra cost.
  • 3
    They can send samples free of charge.
  • 4
    They can hand over identification tags to the owners certifying that they are owners with civic awareness at the same time as the blood sample is taken.


Vets not associated with the Can-ID project have to follow these steps:

  • 1
    Filling in a form with their data certifying that the sample corresponds to the dog indicated.
  • 2
    Sending by messenger (refrigeration not necessary) at their own cost 1 ml of complete blood with the anticoagulant EDTA to the address shown on the form.
  • 3
    Informing the owner that he or she can go to the local council to obtain the identification tag that certifies them as an owner with civic awareness.
Information for vets | Can_ID